Composition Portfolio
Instrumental Chamber Music
for solo clarinet in b-flat and fixed media playback or clarinet ensemble
for two percussionists
written for Synergy Percussion in celebration of its 40th anniversary
Orchestra and Wind Ensemble
poem by Rajiv Mohabir
for mezzo-soprano and orchestra
commissioned by American Opera Projects for the Chautauqua Opera Company
for concert band (grade 2-3)
commissioned by Oak Middle School, Shrewsbury, MA
for sextet and wind ensemble (grade 6 / advanced)
commissioned by the Charles River Wind Ensemble
for concert band (grade 4-5)
commissioned by Kappa Kappa Psi - Theta Beta
written for the Boston University Concert Band
chamber opera in one act
after Ross McElwee’s film “Sherman’s March”
Vocal Chamber Music
poem by Allison Joseph
for bass and piano
commissioned by American Opera Projects for the Chautauqua Opera Company
poem by Tyehimba Jess
for soprano and piano
commissioned by American Opera Projects for the Chautauqua Opera Company
libretto by Benjamin Rogers
for two sopranos, baritone, two violas, and piano
Words by Benjamin Rogers
For Soprano, Saxophone and Tape
Commissioned by the Emerging Voices Project
three songs for chorus
commissioned by Hong Kong Voices in celebration of its 15th anniversary
for mixed chorus, handbells, string quartet and organ
commissioned by Christ Church United Methodist (New York, NY)
seven madrigals for mixed voices
commissioned by Volti as part of the Choral Arts Laboratory