What is Family Association?
Family Association is an exploratory, immersive soundwalk for Manhattan’s Chinatown. As you walk through the streets, you will hear fragments of oral history interviews alongside music inspired by the recorded speech. At any given point during the 17-minute experience, your location in the neighborhood determines the stories and music that you hear. As a result, each soundwalk yields a unique experience.
Ready To Explore? Bring your headphones!
Experience the Family Association soundwalk with the free iOS app, now available on the App Store. It’s the preferred way for iOS users to experience Family Association along with your favorite earbuds. Even if you’re not in NYC, drag the map to explore a virtual soundwalk!
Have an Android device or using a computer? Use the Chrome browser for best results and head to https://familyassociation.app to experience Family Association! If you are located away from NYC, tap “Play” and try dragging the map to Manhattan’s Chinatown for a virtual soundwalk.
Download and print out this free guide map as you explore Chinatown. Please be especially careful of your surroundings throughout the 17-minute experience.
Soundwalk Simulation
Below is a video of a simulated soundwalk experience. Please note that the composer has edited this video with added street sounds and highlighted specific points in the music and oral history that may not correlate with the actual walking experience.
Codebase and Development
The open-source codebase for Family Association’s apps is available via GitHub. The codebase is based on the similarly open-source Roundware platform, which is also available on GitHub.
About the Project
Building on my recent project (The Emigrants) with oral history and musical placemaking, Family Association is a new site-specific, geolocation-enabled piece that uses collected oral history recordings from five members of the Chinese-American community as part of an interactive soundwalk in Manhattan’s Chinatown. Listeners will hear interviewees’ memories of their extended families, how their families emigrated to the United States, and whom they imagine their ancestors to be — including those who left their homeland to seek a new future in the U.S. decades (and perhaps centuries) ago. Using GPS technology, Family Association embeds the audio within sites of various “family associations” in Chinatown; such associations have created tight-knit, supportive, social, and imagined communities based on a common family name. These associations in the neighborhood serve as a way for the listener to interact with the stories that they hear.
In Family Association, the listener will use a GPS-enabled smartphone app as they freely explore Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood. As the work begins, the speech is more fragmented, interspersed with musical gestures inspired by the rhythms and melodic contours of the recorded speech. When the listener approaches the site of a family association, the speech becomes more whole, recalling the way in which these micro-communities have helped generations of Chinese-Americans to both reconstruct and reconnect with their past. Over the course of the 15-minute experience, the recorded testimony gradually focuses on the interviewees’ vision of their legacy for the next generation.
Family Association is co-presented by The Performance Project at University Settlement and MATA Presents, and is made possible with support from Music At The Anthology, Inc. (MATA), and from a Faculty Impact Fund grant from the Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. Family Association’s app is developed with the open-source Roundware framework.
由我的近作 The Emigrants 作為基礎, Family Association 是一首環繞着特定地點及根據地理定位的新作品,使用從美國華裔社區收集到的口述歷史錄音,構成一個以曼哈頓唐人街作為中心點的互動式聲音漫步體驗。錄製的證詞將集中在受訪者對於自身家族的回憶,他們家庭移民至美國的經歷,以及他們想象中自己的祖先是誰,包括那些在數十年(甚至數百年)前離開自己家鄉來到美國謀生的前人。通過GPS技術,口述歷史錄音將被嵌入到華埠各個 "宗親會"的地址。多年來,此類協會根據共同的家族姓氏基礎上創造出數個密集的、互相支持的、具社交性的、想像中的社區團體。各個宗親會位於紐約唐人街的位置將成為聽眾與作品進行互動的主要方式。
在Family Association中,聽眾將使用一個具有GPS功能的智能手機應用程序,於曼哈頓中國城社區內自由地探索。當作品開始時,詞句非常零碎散亂,穿插着由錄音中的節奏和大致旋律所啟發的音樂表達。當聽眾靠近某所宗親會,詞句將變得更加完整,不禁令人想起這些社區群體如何幫助歷代的美國華人與他們的過去連接起來。通過歷時15分鐘的體驗,聽眾聽到的證詞將逐漸聚焦於受訪者所希望流傳於下一代的願景。
Family Association是由大學睦鄰之家演出計劃(The Performance Project at University Settlement)與MATA Presents共同呈現的,同時也獲得來自Music At The Anthology (MATA), 以及香港浸會大學(Hong Kong Baptist University)文學院提供的學院影響力基金(Faculty Impact Fund) 的大力支持才得以實現。Family Association應用軟件使用開源Roundware框架來進行開發。
由我的近作 The Emigrants 作为基础, Family Association 是一首环绕着特定地点及根据地理定位的新作品,使用从美国华裔社区收集到的口述历史录音,构成一个以曼哈顿唐人街作为中心点的互动式声音漫步体验。录制的证词将集中在受访者对于自身家族的回忆,他们家庭移民至美国的经历,以及他们想象中自己的祖先是谁,包括那些在数十年(甚至数百年)前离开自己家乡来到美国谋生的前人。通过GPS技术,口述历史录音将被嵌入到华埠各个 "宗亲会"的地址。多年来,此类协会根据共同的家族姓氏基础上创造出数个密集的、互相支持的、具社交性的、想像中的社区团体。各个宗亲会位于纽约唐人街的位置将成为听众与作品进行互动的主要方式。
在Family Association中,听众将使用一个具有GPS功能的智能手机应用程序,于曼哈顿中国城社区内自由地探索。当作品开始时,词句非常零碎散乱,穿插着由录音中的节奏和大致旋律所启发的音乐表达。当听众靠近某所宗亲会,词句将变得更加完整,不禁令人想起这些社区群体如何帮助历代的美国华人与他们的过去连接起来。通过历时15分钟的体验,听众听到的证词将逐渐聚焦于受访者所希望流传于下一代的愿景。
Family Association是由大学睦邻之家演出计划(The Performance Project at University Settlement)与MATA Presents共同呈现的,同时也获得来自Music At The Anthology (MATA), 以及香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University)文学院提供的学院影响力基金(Faculty Impact Fund) 的大力支持才得以实现。Family Association应用软件使用开源Roundware框架来进行开发。
Project Updates (2021-22)
The Team
Jerllin Cheng
Frank Gee
Karen Liu
Han Yu
Patrick Yim, violin
Hannah Collins, cello
Zach Herchen, saxophone
Michael Compitello, percussion
Dorothy Chan, piano
George Tsz-Kwan Lam, composer
Shreyas Jadhav, software development
Taylor Snead, software development
Halsey Burgund, software development
Zach Herchen, lead audio engineer
Ian Teraoka, visual designer
Michelle Tabnick, publicist
About the Co-Presenters
University Settlement partners with 40,000 New Yorkers on the Lower East Side and in Brooklyn every year to build on their strengths as they achieve healthy, stable, and remarkable lives. For 135 years, we’ve collaborated with our communities to pioneer highly effective programs that fight poverty and systemic inequality. Established in 1886 as the first Settlement House in the United States, we bring the values of that movement into the 21st century by meeting New Yorkers where they live, listening to their perspectives, recognizing their excellence, understanding them as complete individuals, and creating space for them to organize. Joining together with our neighbors to advocate for justice and equality, we help build community strength. Since 2007, The Performance Project has been offering local young artists and professional emerging artists opportunities to connect, create and publicly present new work. We support artists who are interested in how live art can heal, empower and activate.
Music at the Anthology (MATA) is an incubator for adventurous emerging artists experimenting with composition, multi-media, collaborative performance art, and every imaginable sound in between. We present, support, and commission the music of early-career composers, regardless of their stylistic views or aesthetic inclinations. Founded by Philip Glass, Eleonor Sandresky, and Lisa Bielawa in 1996 as a way to address the lack of presentation opportunities for unaffiliated composers, MATA has since developed into the world’s most sought-after performance opportunity for young and emerging composers. MATA presents an internationally-recognized festival each spring in New York City of new music by early-career composers selected from a free global call for submissions; MATA Presents, commissioned projects presented at venues and non-conventional spaces throughout New York; and MATA Jr., an evening of music by pre-college composers, mentored by emerging composers, and performed by top performers in new music.
About the Faculty of Arts at HKBU
The Faculty of Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University provides a liberal arts education that is truly liberating, nurturing individuals with the knowledge, freedom of vision, and creative skills they need to function as effective members of their communities. Through a research-based synthesis of theoretical and applied approaches, and by combining learning with service, we inspire students to channel their imaginations into artistic creation and critical thought. Our emphasis on creativity and critical thinking offers opportunities to interrogate prejudice and to question established norms and values, just as it nurtures the aspiration to bring newness into the world. We foster in students a desire for self-improvement in the ethical choices they make, their sense of local and global citizenship, their capacity for meaningful action, and their ability to develop artistic and intellectual responses. We imbue students with a passion for learning, problem solving, and community, our view being that this crucial lifelong resource will help them face the inevitable challenges of life. Our commitment to liberal arts education is reflected in our firm belief that we, as teachers and researchers, learn as much from our students as we do from our scholarly and creative endeavors.
About Roundware
Roundware is an open, flexible, distributed framework which collects, stores, organizes and re-presents audio content. It lets you collect audio from anyone with a smartphone or web access, upload it to a central repository along with its metadata and then filter it and play it back collectively in continuous audio streams. The Family Association app is being developed with help from sound artist and technologist Halsey Burgund, who has been developing Roundware to enable his sound installations since 2007. Roundware originated as the technical infrastructure for his sound art installation ROUND, on exhibit at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in mid-2008. All of Halsey’s installations and musical performances make extensive use of spoken human voice recordings as musical elements, alongside traditional and electronic instruments. He collects these voices from otherwise uninvolved individuals whom he records in various locations, from museums to street corners to rock clubs.
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